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Inhalt: Upcoming events


Action Chair:

Dr. Chrisitian Huyghe - INRAe

christian.huyghe@  inrae.  fr

Action Vice chair:

Prof. Renata Bazok

rbazok@  agr.  hr


APPROVAL DATE 27.05.2022

START DATE: 19.09.2022

END DATE: 18.09. 2026

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May 23rd and May 24th

MC meeting in Zagreb


May 29th 2024 14:00-15:00 CET

Roger Holten: Biological control options in stored product pest management with special emphasis on breeding for pest tolerance

Iulia-Sorina Dan: Gaps and needs for pesticides reduction. Evidence in a multi actor value chain assessment


June 5th 2024 14:00-15:00 CET

Federico Leoni: Unravelling the success of weed control by relay intercropping with legumes in low-input cereal-based Mediterranean cropping systems

Sylvaine Simon: Co-design et eco-design towards ‘Zero pesticide’: case study of a pest suppressive biodiversity-based orchard (South-East France).
More information (English leaflet) available at https://www6.paca.inrae.fr/ueri/Contrats-et-projets/Projet-Z


June 19th 2024 14:00-15:00 CET

Mireille NAVARRETE (INRAE): Co-designing coupled innovations from farms to supply chains in order to unlock the sociotechnical lock-in hindering crop diversification in vegetable farms in South of France

Ola Lundin: What is the potential of using service crops for crop protection? 


July 3rd  2024 14:00-15:00 CET

Eyal Ben-Simchon: Natural enemies enhancement by service (cover) crops in orchards

Ćerima Zahirović Senanović: IPM methods deployed in soilless cultivation: Review and Case study.


July 17th 2024 14:00-15:00 CET

Mirela Tase: Tourism's impact on agriculture areas and sustainable development.

Riho Marja: Agri-environment schemes' effects on arthropods across European farmlands - results from three meta-analyses


September 18th 2024 14:00-15:00 CET
Begoña Renau Morata: Circular economy in agriculture as a source of alternatives to fertilisers and pesticides

İlbilge Oğuz, Nesibe Ebru Kafkas, Esra Gölcü: Detection of pesticides on strawberries


October 2nd 2024 14:00-15:00 CET
Salme Timmusk: "Plant microbiomes for future sustainable agro-ecosystems"

Darina Štyriaková: New bioleaching recipe based on bacteriocins and organic acids securing the immunity to wide spectrum of diseases


October 16th 2024 14:00-15:00 CET
Studer Angela: Conservation pest control in sugar beets
Maria Tsiafouli: Tools for farmers for applying sustainable farming practices


October 30th 2024 14:00-15:00 CET
Bojana Petrovic: Using glucosinolates in agriculture to protect crops from pest

Vahidehalsadat Rafieebanadaki: Functional genomics of cereals and the opportunity to accelerate the development of resistant cereal varieties and reduce the use of chemical treatments


November 13th 2024 14:00-15:00 CET
Massimiliano CORSO: Uncovering the role of specialized metabolites in seed responses to stresses and adaptation to abiotic and biotic environments.

László Mezőfi: Perennial cover crop mixtures for the sustainable grape production: its effect on the beneficial arthropods, pests and pathogens


November 27th 2024 14:00-15:00 CET
Torsten Meiners: Tailoring chemical diversity in plant-insect interactions as a tool for biological control    

Adam Schikora, Matthias Cambeis: Genetic differences in barley govern the responsiveness to N-acyl homoserine lactone


December 11th 2024 14:00-15:00 CET
Andrea Alcántara Enguídanos: Reducing pesticides use by improving self-defense through metabolic reprogramming: the story of serine and glucosinolates

Inês Costa Pereira, Carlotta Ebbreo: Setting the scene for farmers agroecological transition to be presented at WG1 Setting the scene: identifying research gaps and needs. 

We are pleased to announce that the COST action T0PAGRI (Towards zer0 Pesticide AGRIculture: European Network for sustainability) organises the research school "Rethinking plant breeding for a zero-pesticide agriculture" in Bordeaux, France, on 13, 14 and 15 May, 2024. This event aims to bring together researchers, students, and professionals to explore innovative approaches and future directions in plant breeding, focusing on the challenges and opportunities presented by the pesticide-free agriculture paradigm.

Towards zer0 Pesticide AGRIculture: European Network for sustainability

The main objective of this Action is to pave the way for new crop protection strategies and practices without chemical pesticides and to co build a new research paradigm among research communities by no longer adopting a progressive pesticide reduction approach, but rather encouraging a breakthrough in redesigning crop protection.


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