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Inhalt: Working Group 1

Setting the scene: identifying research gaps and needs

To pave the way for a transition towards zero pesticide agriculture producing enough of safe, secure and affordable food, T0P-AGRI-network will focus on barriers and opportunities that end-users, i.e. actors in the entire value chain, will face as pesticide use is significantly reduced. By adopting a multiactor approach in our first working group, we will ensure that the experience and knowledge of the relevant actors are taken into account to cover actual needs. Identifying research gaps and needs together with our non-academic partners and additional stakeholders in WG1 will improve impact as we expect enhanced use of project results by actors because they were involved in generating them.

Prof. Dr. Mugurel Jitea from the University of Agricultural Sciences and Veterinary Medicine in Cluj Napoca, Romania, presented the approach to achieve the objectives of WG1 through an innovative multi-actor approach and a literature review at the 2nd meeting of the Management Committee in May 2023 in Uppsala. You can find the presentation here.