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Inhalt: Growing greener – Exploring sustainable agricultural approaches



29th and 30th of November

The Universities of Porto, Minho, and Aveiro cordially invite you to participate in the workshop “Growing greener – Exploring sustainable agricultural approaches” that will occur on the 29th and 30th of November in a hybrid format.

The event will take place in Fundação Dr. António Cupertino de Miranda (Porto, Portugal) and a ZOOM link will be provided for those interested in attending online. This initiative, organized by several research groups from the Universities of Porto, Minho, and Aveiro, aims to gather researchers and stakeholders, committed to developing green solutions to walk towards more sustainable agricultural practices. 

Attendance by ZOOM is unlimited and open to anyone interested in attending. Regardless of the type of attendance, registration is free, but mandatory (https://forms.gle/qjHkUVFj8k4xXbSG7).

Please find the scientific programm here


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