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On the following pages you will find all lists, applications, guidelines and test reports from the equipment testing as well as e.g. the drift leakage values, which were compiled and published by our institute.

About us

Who is the Institute for Application Technology in Crop Protection?

We are constantly working on new technologies and processes to make crop protection even safer for people and the environment. By dovetailing research, evaluation and consulting, we are able to competently answer the complex technical questions surrounding crop protection.

This enables us to minimize the risks associated with the use of crop protection products. That is why our research work is primarily aimed at improving crop protection processes and developing them further technically. With our research we want to further optimize the application of plant protection products and thus contribute to the sustainable intensification of crop production systems and minimize the harmful impact on the natural balance. The technical evaluations of crop protection equipment, dressing sites and seed drills carried out at the institute are an important source of information for us with regard to current technical developments.

The results of our research and testing activities are directly incorporated into our diverse consulting tasks. These include, for example, participation in national legislative procedures, in EU and international standardization committees, in the testing and approval of crop protection products and in "good professional practice". The addressees for our work are therefore to be found at national and international level in a broad spectrum of politics, research, practice and society. In a joint dialog, we work to secure and further improve the internationally recognized high standard of application technology.

If you want to learn more about our work - look here