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Inhalt: Drift and risk reduction

When applying pesticides, agents can drift onto non-target areas. This is an undesirable side effect that cannot be completely avoided. However, it must be kept as low as possible so that the environment and the natural balance, as well as residents and neighbors, are not burdened. Various technical approaches such as a special nozzle technology or new types of spraying equipment, which are continuously being developed, can achieve this.

Creating references: Drift corner values in the approval process for crop protection products

The JKI established drift corner values on the basis of considerable amounts of data. They form the basis for comparing and evaluating new application techniques. Since 1995, plant protection products have been evaluated in Germany with regard to their impact on the natural balance and, above all, on non-target organisms using the published JKI drift coefficients. In the meantime, drift leakage values have been published for almost all relevant crops and applications.

Evaluate drift reduction

Crop protection application regulations require the use of drift-reducing equipment and compliance with distance requirements to surface waters and fringe structures. Manufacturers of crop protection equipment and equipment parts offer a variety of technical solutions for drift reduction. These are tested by the JKI and then compared and classified with drift corner values or a reference device. They are then entered in drift reduction classes.

Inhalt: Checking pesticide savings

The use of equipment that saves crop protection products leads to greater water and environmental protection. Not only from an ecological point of view, but also from an economic point of view, the application with reduced PPP application rates should be aimed for. The "plant protection product saving" can be made possible by the use of various technical equipment.

One possibility is, for example, the use of collecting equipment (recycling technology) in room cultures. In this case, a collector recaptures part of the applied pesticides and transports them back into the system. Compared to standard devices, the amount of pesticide applied is reduced by up to 30%. Sensor technology offers another option. By precisely shutting off the applying nozzles, the crop protection agent only reaches the target area to be treated. The JKI tests and lists crop protection devices in terms of their potential for saving crop protection products.