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Welcome to the International Commission for Plant-Pollinator Relationships (I.C.P.P.R.)

The International Commission on Plant Pollinator Relations (ICPPR) was founded in 1950 as the International Commission for Bee Botany (ICBB). Its objectives are to promote & coordinate research on relationships between plants and pollinators of all types. That mandate includes studies of insect pollinated plants, pollinator foraging behaviour, effects of pollinator visits on plants, management and protection of insect pollinators, bee collected materials (e.g. nectar and pollen), and of products derived from plants and modified by bees. Further, the ICPPR organises meetings, colloquia or symposia related to the above topics and publishes and distribute the proceedings. The ICPPR collaborates closely with national and international institutions and is one of the 82 scientific commissions of the International Union for Biological Sciences.