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Inhalt: Journal of Pollination Ecology

"The Journal of Pollination Ecology (ISSN 1920-7603) is an open-access, peer-reviewed, online journal that aims to promote the exchange of original knowledge and research in any area of pollination issues. Founded in 2009, it is the official journal of the International Commission for Plant-Pollinator Relationships (ICPPR).

The Journal of Pollination Ecology invites manuscripts, short communications and reviews based on original descriptive and experimental research worldwide. Specifically, the journal will focus on evolutionary and ecological aspects of pollination, abiotic as well as biotic pollination, reproductive strategies of plants in general, community or population dynamics of plants and their pollinators, as well as diversity and conservation issues. It invites contributions concerning all different modes of pollination and encourages interdisciplinary research from genes to ecosystems. Also, contributions describing new or original methods relevant for the field are welcome."

The associated Pollination Magazine  publishes short lay summaries of all articles published in JPE. You can also find interesting stories about pollination there.