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Wissensportal Klimaschutz in pflanzenbaulichen Produktionssystemen
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Inhalt: Project details


12.2022 - 12.2025

Contact person

Dr. Til Feike (SF)
Tel: +49 (0)3946-47 5260

JKI Project team

Institute for Strategies and
Technology Assessment (SF)

Institute for Crop and Soil
Science (PB)

Institute for Forest Protection

The project "KlimaFFolgen" is funded by the Federal Ministry of Food and Agriculture as part of the German Climate Protection Programme 2022.

Inhalt: Exploiting climate protection potentials through improved crop rotation design - Germany-wide potential analysis and development of a plot-specific decision support system (KlimaFFolgen)


On the way to reducing greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions, storage of carbon in agricultural soils is considered to be of great potential. However, carbon stocks in arable soils in Germany have declined continuously over the past years. The trend towards less diverse crop rotations is an important driver of this decline. In order to making better use of carbon storage potentials without compromising crop productivity, it is crucial to identify site-specific optimized crop rotations adapted to local soil and climate conditions, cropping systems and management practices. In doing so, cropping systems must improve their overall climate balance, i.e., taking into account crop-specific GHG emissions from seed, fertilizer, diesel consumption, and nitrous oxide emissions, while ensuring food security.


The KlimaFFolgen project will conduct a Germany-wide potential analysis on the contribution of improved crop rotations to carbon sequestration in agricultural soils. Based on land use information from remote sensing data, process-based soil and crop modeling, and coupled life cycle assessment, a plot-specific decision support system (DSS) for crop rotation design will be developed and made available to users in agriculture.